US$ 25,00

Buy This Classroom / Cinema 

Notice:This item can be used on mobile  but we do not respond from any glitches,as we do not work for imvu,and have no

small sized room with a classroom themed style, this room features five M/F poses and has no outer walls for easy rotation/viewing of the poses. It takes five minutes for this room to auto-activate.

Room features

  • Smart-board pose:  Standing pose, female one leg on the ground, raising both to shoulder height from time to time.
  • Desk pose: On her back on the desk, one leg in the air.
  • Student desk 1: Bj pose where the man is on top.
  • Student desk 2: Licking pose, that transitions to sex.
  • Studen desk 3: Reverse cowgirl pose.

direct input in your phone's compatibility with the imvu mobile client.


we are not aviliated with imvu but we supply imvu adult members for long time already succesfully with amazing adult items around the world .

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